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Howdy guys. First of all let me introduce myself. I am Harpra litent ,presently the owner of the blog {storypoemstore.blogspot.in}
The first thing I would regret is for the inconvinience  that you guys had to face the previous month.
Actually there were some issues and some forms were to be applied with various networking site in order to get our site activated. Thus it forced us to stop publishing various intresting stories and poems for about 2  weeks. But now we're all done and you are allowed to introduce yourself in the new world of entertainment where it is everyday a fun to start with and an excitement to end with.
                        Our blog mainly focuses and tries to make a relation where education meets entertainment. Our blog provides numerous short stories and poems that are exciting as well as entertaining. Our blog decided to publish short stories and poems because there is very tension,tensed and drepessive environment around us and to make a tensed person smiling and a depresed person happy with these stories and poems is our main target
                Our moto is so based " Everyday a fun to start with & an excitemnt to end with " because we would provide a fresh and awaikening morning with a smile and an exciting evening at the end of day .   
                            But I would also request you all to post comments on our every publish so that we could understand your likes and dislike
                                                              " Thanking You "
                                                                Harpra litent

 Note : We were extremely sorry & are very much apologitic for our lateness in publishing stories. We were having a bit probelem in unsigning with our account with one of the ad network But finally our team has done it and we are hare once again for publishing new stories & fantastic poems. For today enjoy these 3 stories and. We have decided to publish 3 stories in a day so that we would be pardoned for our lateness & once again we apologize for our mistake.
Unknown Web Developer

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