Saturday 21 March 2015

              The Three Tortoises

Long ago there lived three tortoises. One day they all decided to go on a picnic. Papa Tortoise took out the map and everyone of the family decided to go to dul lake in Kashmir, since it would be  great picnic spot. Baby tortoise was very happy at the time. Mama tortoise made some chapatis and some chutnies, along with puris idlis etc for there long and tiring journey. Baby tortoise packed some nuts in his pockets. And the day came when the tortoise were about to go for a picnic.
            Mama tortoise took the basket full of food and asked baby tortoise to take the chutney but he was busy packing his nuts so he forget to bring the chutney with him. When everything was done Papa tortoie locked the house and put the keys in his small pocket of his jacket. The tortoise journeyed 1 year and at last reached the picnic spot at the dul lake.
                        Father tortoise said that he was very hungry and mama tortoise took out the chapaties but she didn't found the chutney. She asked baby tortoise but he said he had forgotten to bring the chutney since he was busy packing the nuts. Mama tortoise scolded him for his carelesness. He began to cry. Father tortoise tried to console him and said " son you have did a mistake so you have to fufill it. Now you have to go home and bring the chutney ". Baby tortoie said" Ok no probem but While I am away no on will be eating chapati." Everyone agreed to it. 6 months passed but baby tortoise didn't came at last both the tortoise coud not beer the hunger and decided to eat a chapati. Suddeny a noise came from the bushes and baby tortoise came out saying" I knew you woud cheat therefore I didn't go to home for 6 months!!!"

"Thus here was the end of our story and please comment on our stories and poems and keep visting & following us"

& tommorow a new story 'Gordon's Good Deed' will be publishing between 5 to 6 PM
Unknown Web Developer

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