Wednesday 4 March 2015


All  of the sudden , the door was opened and a man entered my room , he moment i could ask something he asked to first move to a safer place . The moment we came out of house  , it exploded  . Opps sorry i forgot to say somthing about myself  okay ; I am Litent   , I had  really faced Aliens  and   AID(Aliens Investigation Department)  ; i , my father and my mom were living in this house for more than 13 yrs continuesly after my birth in Purnea in Bihar in India  ; yes we were living but before this evil day : Let the imotions on there own place but as i always say show must go on let's continew the story ; the person then take a locket from his pocket and tied it around my neck and took me on his bike and after that as i remember i was in a room that was like a hospital room and after asking where i was i came toknow that i was in Earth AID Center (EAC)   .
For few days till i was in that room alone i wept at my luck that one single  day i lost every from my life my lovely parents , my lovely home and that day I was in an unknown place waiting for someone who will come and explain me about the place where I was.You wil schocked when you will know that ,that day In was only of 18 that day was my 18th birth day . There in EAC I was very exited to know who ws the guy who that night take me out of that house Suddenly I found hom And he told every thing that i wanted to  know but i wasw schocked at truth ;the truth was that i was there for next 3 yrs and more and also that i had to study and get training to become a professional Aliens Investigating Officer (AIO)   . From Mr Bandwith I came to know that named  Kalis who is a volienteer of great bad alien named Mogasis  is going to our school attack  but he also said that ineed not to worry about it because they had already thinked about it .
After few days everything was okay and I was enjoying my school life but that night i dremt about what was going to happen .I understand that i was related to every that was happening and I started to investigate and i came to know that my father was pressurised that he would not help them  to complete their mission then they will kill me .

Now I am ending this part of my great endless story Stay tuned to know what was tgat dream ?
What happened to Kalis and Mogasis and what was my contribution in all of these.

Next part of this great story is going to be published on this site on 6 march 2015 on 11:30 pm . PLESE VISIT TO APPRECIETE US .
Thank you
Unknown Web Developer

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