Monday 2 March 2015

The Dead Killer -- Part 3

                            The Dead Killer -- Part 3

 Nicholas took me took to Saint Bernaid where I found a letter awaiting me.I asked Nicholas if this letter was for me only ? He said "indeed it is for you".In the letter it was written "Profesor Albert ( that was my name ) you did a wrong thing taking me casually.But now I have returned back and the destruction that has happened in wellington will be repeating in itsburgh too.---Unamed ( meet me in Town Hall in at 6 O'Clock ).
                    I was stubborned for a few seconds.How could someone be my enemy ? But to know what this destructiuon is all about I had to meet that person in Town Hall.
                    When evening came by I went to Town  Hall at the roof but I found no one there awaiting for me.sudenly I heard a sound saying "So here you come".I saw a tall steel bodied man. I asked who the hell he was ? He came out of semidarkness to light where I thought as if I have seen him somewhere but couldn't guess where. At the meantime he said "don't you remember me my name is JHON". I gained all my memories at once. And found that this is the same Jhon whom I have sent jail because he was researching on an illegal researh related to R-virus. I said him that "you have only released the virus all over isn't it ?". He said "indeed, all the destruction you are seeing all around is done by me. You did a great mistake sending me........". I interputed that " You were doing an illegal research on the R-virus. I would not let you at any cost to do that research. At the meantime he took out a gun and a test tube in which he has stored innumerable R-virus. Than he said you did a great mistake sending me jail. At the meantime he was about break open the test tube when I saw a bullet hiting him on his hand . The test tube with R-virus swung in the air
I jumped over to catch the test tube and haaaashhh I was successful in doing so otherwise the consequences would be drastic. Than Nicholas came to me and asked me if i was all right . I calmed him down that I was alright. And I asked him what was he doing here ? He said " when you read the letter I felt a little doubt , so I had been taking a round of this building and soon when I saw something was going strange I just shot him in his hand . Then he went to jones to arrest him but atlast I was happy that I was not forced to see that destructive day in pitsburgh that I had to see in wellington

                     -------- By Praharsh Priyam
Unknown Web Developer

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