Tuesday 17 March 2015

The War of Planets - 3

                                The War of Planets -3
As soon as I saw those creatures landing on our roof I was stubborner. I asked them who were they and why they had come to our planet. One of them said
                                  " Jar Theie Gary "
I took out the language converter and placed it's board in John's hand and the mike in mine. On converting we found that they were saying that they had arrived Earth to our rescue. I asked him "what kind of rescue". Suddenly One of them took out a remote kind of structure. He pointed the remote at me & pressed a button. As soon as he did this I got a very hard electric shock traveling through my whole body. Fortunately he stopped the shock after a few seconds. I said " what the hell on earth you were trying to do". He said 'sorry, but my intention was not to hurt you.' Then John asked him ' then why you gave him an electric shock '. He said " listen, first of all my name is Toya. I have come from the alpha century galaxy. I and my seven member ed team has sent the signals on Earth since you are going to have a fieceful battle. John said " battle, but with whom?"
                                  He said " with our planet Cerion. Our planet is situated in alpha centuary. The prime of our planet 'Cairo' has the will to defeat  all the planets in it's galaxies and nearby galaxies. He have already defeated 10 planets in our galaxies and He along with his huge force is looking to conquer planets other than his galaxies. And it has targeted Earth as its first outer planet to conquer. We don't want the Prime to capture any more planets. Thus we........". I interrputed and asked him why had he came to our rescue, I mean it is his own planet than why is he willing it's own defeat?
              He said" I used to be a programming manager in Prime's army. I used to make highy developed weapons to help prime in defeating other planets. But soon I came to know how wrong I was in joining his army & taking him as my inspiration. Between battle of Krpyton and Cerion, My brother whom I loved the most and who was commander in Cerion's army was killed in the battle. Inspite of his bravery and patriotism he was given no honour, Instead when my elders asked for compensation and crane the Prime threw them out of his kingdom. From that time I decided revnge from the Prim....."
                     Jhon interrupted him and asked what did he meant by crane? He said they called there currency "crane". Jhon gain asked why did the Prime threw his gaurdians out. At the very moment he took out his remote again and pointed it towards Jhon. Before Jhon could understand anything he pressed the switch and this time it was Jhon who had got the shock. Jhon asked him " are you mad ". At that very moment they all were cleavered with happiness and handed me and Jhon a Highly deveoped steel band with many buttons and to Jhon a blue-red coloured head set with many retinas and buttons placed in it unlike mine band one. After handing this to me and Jhon they went into there Ufo's and sped away to there planet

"But what these bands and headsets were?, and why they had been given to us only." Don't panic wait for some or the other bottom of the stories that would be displayed soon for these answers & Please comment and follow us so that we are able to provide more intresting stories like this
Ravi goes camping part 2 will be displayed tommorrow between 5 to 6 pm { stay tooned :-}

Unknown Web Developer

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