Tuesday 3 March 2015

One Lady's Struggle

                              One Lady's Struggle

Kamati was a very a very brilliant and hard working girl. She was outstanding in her studies , briliant  in sport and always participated in all the co-ciricular activitis . She was a creative of crative thinking and always wanted to do something . Not even this but because of her  parents can widen their chests in society and in . But unfortunately she was not very rich instead her father was a simple of teacher of pre-section standard and his salary was on about Rs. 1200/month. Her mother was a simple housewife.
                                    With an increasing age Kamati's study cost also kept rising and ultimately she was such a big girl now that herb parents could'nt afford her graduation fees . Thus she stopped her studies at the level of graduation. After she stopped her studies she had to be married off with somone because she was alredy of 22 years now but the relationship with the other family was not perfect anytime and none of the family accepted her, as her daughter-in-law because her father could'nt afford the dowry there family demanded. Non of the family  demanded less than 20,00000. But her father had put all her saving of his whole life and was able to pay only 10,00000 Rs. AT last a family was there who adjusted themselves with Rs.10,00000. and accepted kamati as their daughter in law . But after going in her Father in law's house she did not get any special treatment fom her father in laws' house  instead she had to face many metal as well as physicl harassment she had to face abusive words from her husband and had to face these words from their mother in law as wel as other member.She tlked about this with her parents but her parebnt also suggested her that they were poor and can't fight for her right.
            But after a few days she wanted to die. She thought what is the buse of this type of living in which there is no respect and no kindness but from her internal she heard a voice that she should fight for right . Then she decided not to suicide but to fight for her respect and convinience.
                    after a she her friend made her met with a lawyer who was very honest and always wanted to fight for the right side. Well his name was Shushat . He did not took any money from Kamati for fighting her case. Whent the case ws going on kamati had to face many backmails from her father in law's house . They also tried to buy Kamatis lawyer but because of his honesty they did not succeed . After a week kamati's father in law's member were brought for listening of case in which Kamati's husband was found guilty and according to section 498 A of constitution ordered him 7 years jail and wanted him to give 500,000 comensatio to Kamti.            

Kamati's story is a way to provide learning in which we concude that we should not leave hope of fighting for our rights wheter the problem is very "BIG" or too "SMALL".
Unknown Web Developer

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