Monday 16 March 2015

Ravi Goes Camping - 1

  Ravi Goes Camping - 1
Ravi's uncle lived in Jaipur, in Rajasthan, and was an army officer. One day his uncle wrote to him that :
    I am going out to the forest soon, and I'm taking your cousin Rajendra with me. We are going to put up a tent near an old fort and stay there for a couple of days. Would you like to come too?
Ravi was allowed to join with his uncle and cousin to the tour. The next day Ravi along with his uncle and cousin went to the forest in an open jeep. It was very hot and tiring journey. Ater crossing little hills they arrived there dstination. Uncle Santosh aked rajendra and ravi to unpack the jeep. Than you can go and explore.   
            After hving  cup of tea, thye boys went off the trees nd after passing the canal they reached the Fort which seemed without hving any living organisms in it except snake and lizards. Infact after entering the fort, two snakes crawled out from one crck and slid away. They had fun exporing the fort. Since it was getting eveni9ng so they decided to wnt back to there camp and after having there diner or supper they went fast asleep. But ravi woke up in the middle of the night. "I shall have a walk in the fort, but I shall look out for the snakes." Ravi took out his torch and fter crossing the bridge he saw a tiny door at other end of the fort. He crambleddown through the rocky side of the bridge. It was difficult because of thorn and brambles but ultimately he did. Since he was entering through other side of fort he had to travel through the stairs. He was bit frightened. Soon he saw a large hole in the wall. As he reached there he saw a paper in which some strange letters were written whom Ravi could not read. At the moment Ravi saw 5-6 snakes crawling towards him. He grabbed the paper and ran as fast as he could. The snakes crawled before him till he was out of the fort. And outside the fort he got bumped with uncle Santosh
        He asked him where he had been. Ravi told him about the door the paper and the snake. His uncle said that he was brave boy but warned him not to go out at night as it would be dangerous. He also said that they would be looking about his paper tommorow

"But what was written on the paper nd for whom it was. To know the answer Keep visiting our site and focus on every story as the next series of many stories willbe hiudden At the last of the stories"

And the " THE WAR OF PLANETS- 3" will be releasing tommorow Between 5 to 6 pm       

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

1 comment:

  1. Why did Ravi take his torch when he went to the fort?
