Thursday 19 March 2015


                     THE DEAD KILLER: RETURNS
Hi, I am professor Albert. I do think we all have met before isn't it ? I and Nicholas last time have Captured a thief called Jhon. After arresting him we all thought that with his trial the virus will also be over. But who knew he would escape from the Jail....

    It was morning time. I had to go Port Louis to attend a meeting. I went to the airport. The news that Jhon ran away from the jail leaked everywhere. However police Was trying it's best to find him and I too did not bother. Suddenly there was a man coming towards me. He looked as if he was very sick. Suddenly he felt down on the ground. A crowd gathered near him in which I too came up for his help. On examining him I was shocked that the person who had been fallen down is not someone else but 'JHON'
                        At once I ordered everyone to move back and clear the airport because he was injected R- virus. As soon as I ordered this, there was a massive tension between crowd and everyone started running like anything! And at the mean time Jhon the dead killer was awaken  and he was in a hurry to bite me when I took out my pen and with a large force I hit Him hard on his brain with the pen's pointed part. He died at that Instance. But Now what horrible seen I saw you won't be believing. I saw a huge aeroplane that was crashing and was about to hit the airport in 2 minutes. I placed a safed distance from them and thus was very lucky for not getting hurt. Soon the gate of the Aeroplane opened and from that aeroplane people began to fall to ground. On getting closer I noticed that all the people have turned into Zombies and not a single person was looking alive. I called the SRT { special reinforcement team }. And was about to rush out when I saw due to crashing the entering gate of the airport was locked and I was now sorrounded by zombies.

"But how the people in the aeroplane became affected and who injected the R-virus in them and Jhon? & also How i would get out of the airport without having any arms?" Please comment on our every blog so that we could create more such blogs like this
& also tommorrow a new series of story Uncle Prasad & The Flying Machine will be publishing between 5 to 6 pm
Unknown Web Developer

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