Sunday 15 March 2015

A Journey Through Desert

                        A Journey Through Desert
Can listning or reading stories influence our lives ? Here is an exerpt to verify this

Till a few years back I did not had a driver and used to drive wherever I go. Every saturday I took my car to the service station and stayed there until it

was serviced.

there were two boys, perhaps 15 years of age, who worked there. they were identical twins. One was Ram and the other was called Gopal. Since they were poor they could not offord going school
                            There mother tongue was kanada. Ram and Gopal worked as errand boys. They were very cheerful and everyone liked them. The servicing of my car used to take two hours. Over time I became friendly with them. They told me about their life. They did not had father. There mother worked as labourer. they stayed in a nearby slum with there uncle. Though the salary at the service station was low they got free breakfast ad lunch and sometime small tips from car owners.
Inspite of difficulties they faced these kids were always smiling.
                            I really used to like these boys because of there enthusiasm. Once in a while I took snacks ad some old T-shirts for them. They took the clothes with great joy as if they were made of silk.
                        Once I gave them some books to read and for the first time I saw the the unhappines in there faces. They said,'madam,it takes us a lot of time to read since we are not used to reading. Will you tell us the story?'  'how can I tell you story here when you are workig all the time?".We get some free time at about 4o clock. There two eyes were begging for me and I could not say them no. Thus everyevening at 4 pm I used to tell them stories. They litsend stories very attentively and waited more for the climax. After a month I decided to hire a driver and I did not met Ram and gopal from then. Time flows like water. my car was outlived but was still working. When my driver came back from the garage he said "the owner of the garage was asking about you after working on the car. Do you know the owner of luck garage?"
        "I have not heard the name it maybe new. Next time let me handel my car to get serviced in that garage.
                The next day i went to the good luck garage. There I met the owner who asked me to wait in the cabin since he would be joining me i a minute.
        After he came he said " madam you have changed a lot. You look old and tired. I said " but if you don't mid would you please tell me your ame since you said I am growing old." He smiled at me. The dimple in his cheeks let me remembered that he is Ram. I asked if he was Ram. He said "madam you gussed the right one. I have been grateful to you since one of the stories told by you had changed my life. "which story I had told you that has changed your lifestyle? He sat opposite me closed his eyes and started telling his own story.
    "Madam you are aware that I used to stay with my uncle. Whatever we ear he used to take away. I felt that that I should cotinue to go to school but with o finacial help or support  from studying seemed impossible. But your story , please listent"
'once there were many poor people in the village they wanted tocross the desert and wanted to lead a nice life in the town. but no one dare to cross that scorching desert. But two boys wanted. one of the old man of the village has said carry stones from the desert and sell them in the market place in the town some or the other buyer must buy and pay for the rare stones. They started there way. They thought that they had reached the edge of desert so they ate up all there food and drank all water but soon they realized they had only crossed half way. The first boy said "it is of no use who is going to buy those stones. let's go back." And he went back but the second boy didn't minded he kept on collecting the stones and walking. He was deadly tired and much to his dissapointment on reaching the town he saw nothing but a dhramshala. Since it was late night he slept  down there. And much to his amazement whaen he woke up he saw all the stones had turne into "silvers". in a moment he ha become rich. "
    He said that I have told him the meaning of story like this   
    "A student's life is also like a desert don't care about hunger and thrust just reach your and you can relaxation all your life"
        Then I asked him 'what about Gopal '
    He said " he was inspired by your another story . 'there was a jackal who decided to hunt a camel. for whole day he searched for the camel and did not payed attention on the smaller animals. hence at night he could neither hunt a camel nor a small animal'. Gopal was also like this. He tried to o things beyond his capacity and failed miserably. Now he is a peon in a post office.
        " I thought what an impact story can have on anyone's life. And those who follow right one's like Ram get success and those who trust on stories like that of Gopal had to suffer a lot    

Unknown Web Developer

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