Friday 20 March 2015

             Uncle Prasad & The Flying Machine-1

Ravi was sitting on his bed and having a pencil in his hand. He was drawing a flying machine. Ravi's design was almost ready and he was very happy. Suddenly he heard a knocking at the door and ran to see who was standing at the door.
       'Hello, Uncle Prasad!' he cried. He asked him to come in and see his drawing of his flying model. Uncle Prasad was fat , and had a long moustache and a shiny bald head. Ravi showed him his drawing. "Good drawing" he said with laughter. "But it won't fly."
                                                Ravi  asked him
why it won't fly. He said because it had got no engine. "it's a glider! Iam going to start work on the plane this week. You may come after 2 months to see the result". His uncle said" let's see what happens "
                                  For the next few days Ravi
worked very hard. He collected lots of bamboo wood and many strings along with elastics and a great deal of old newspaper. There was an empty garage at the back side of his house. He asked the permission to work on his flying model from his parents. His father allowed him to do so but said him not to make too much noise. The next day he made wings of the plane with bamboo. He put screws in all the joints and tied them up tightly with string. Then he covered the wings with sheet of paper and fixed some wood beneath the wings.
                                                       Ravi made a tailplane. He mde a rod so that pilot could move the tailplane to the right or left. Ravi painted the newspapers wings a bright blue. And after 2 months the plane was amost finished. On finishing the work of plane he showed the plane to his father.
              His father was quite delighted and asked him if the plane would fly. He assured him that Indeed the plane would be flying and uncle Prasad would be the first pilot to fly the plane tommorow at 10 O'clock.
                               On sunday uncle Prasad came for the breakfast. After breakfast Ravi showed the plane to Uncle Prasad. "It doesn't look very strong,'. "Oh it is it can carry you easily." Uncle Prasad thought what a noise there would be when I would sit on the plane and everything woud break.
                     Ravi along with some of his friends took the taiplane at top of a hill. There was a huge crowd. Ravi asked Uncle Prasad to jump inside the plane. He said " Jump in but where"
Ravi said let me tell you how the plane works. Put the Hands on the bar and place your foot on the loops that you are going to see. If you want to turn right put your right leg down and to move left put your left leg down. And before Uncle could say anything everyone pushed him and the plane started racing downwards

"What would have been happening after that? Will uncle Prasad be able to fly that Plane?" To know these simple answers keep visiting our site
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& tommorow a new funny story the three tortoises will be publishing at 5 to 6 pm and believe me it is really funny and do visit our site
& don't forget we also publish poems at 10 to 11 am everyday

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