Sunday 15 March 2015

The murder in Bombay

                    The murder in Bombay                                    

It was dark winter night.
I was returning home late after completeing some important work in the office. As I was walking past a row of tall building, I suddenly heard a woman's voice
                     "help" the woman screamed

I stopped and looked up the building . Everyone seemed to be asleep. Then I again heard the voice "help-help". The voice was shaking with fear. Without wasting any of my time I rushed into the building from where the voice was coming . The voice was coming from the top flat saying "Take away all my money, jewelleries but please don't kill me. Please leave me".I hammered on the door of the room from where the voice was coming. From there came the voice" Who is it "
                    "Open the door, I shouted ,else I will break open the door." He asked what I wanted from him and ordered me to go away.
        I kept on hammering the door forcibly with my hands
Suddenly the door of the flat opened. From there a tall man, dressed in night clothes came out from the room
        " Who are you?" he asked. 'Why are you making so much noise'.
        " Where is the woman ". I shouted."Have you murdered her?"
        "Which woman. Are you mad?"
I pushed him aside and rushed into the flat.I could still hear the woman's cries. The voice was coming from the bedroom. I rushed to the bedroom. The man shouted and tried to stop me. But I forcibly entered the room where I was very much ashamed and exhausted on seeing that there was no woman inside the room but a voice was saying over a radio " You were listening to a radio play called' murder in Bombay' And now after the end of the play we bring you the news all over around......

Unknown Web Developer

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