Wednesday 8 April 2015

Rip Van Winkle

                           Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle was the most popular person in his town. He told joke to the men at tavern, he tripped his hat whenever a lady passed him, he was polite with all the person in the town and he liked to join children that played in the parks. Nobody in the town had a bad thing to say to Rip Van winkle. Actually nobody except his wife
                Every funny thing that he did, everything that townspeople loved him for, he did while he was supposed to be doing the chores. Rip Van winkle hate doing chores and was very good at getting out from them. Once he was asked to sweep the house by his wife but when she came back she found that he had tied there bedsheet with the broom and was flying it like a kite outside the yard. But mostly he was found taking a nap instead of doing his chores.
                    There was nothing Rip liked than taking a nap at the middle of the day. & for this he was thrown stones( of word ) by his wife. There was nothing that his wife like except yelling at him.
                            One fine afternoon Mrs Van Winkle asked him to go to the woods and chop some firewood. On reaching the forest he saw dark forest with long trees and grass along with big rocks mot importantly he did not see his wife an the moment he laid down and went to take a deep sleep. Rip Van Winkle awoke with a groan to the felling that something was scratching his chin. He peered down his nose and saw that he had grown a long beered overnight. He thought to himelf that he must have a hair-splosion. He decided that the first thing he would do is to get a haircut assuming that his wife won't kill him for staying out all the night. When he got to pick the axe he found that the axe had somehow become old & rusty. He  said,' they don't make axes they used to '.
                As he neared the town he began to feel that something was wrong. The builings were bigger and there were lot more than the previous day. As he reached the town square, He realized that he didn't recognize anything. People began to crowd around him and whispered to one another.
                Eventually a man forced his way to the crowd and walked upto Rip Van Winkle.' Sir, I don't want to be rude but you look a little lost '. He said. Rip said,' Well I do fell a little lost. By the way who are you ?'. He proudly said,' Why I am the mayor of the town'. Rip said,' You are lying ! I know the mayor of this town and you aren't him'. The man began to lose his temper and said angrily,' Look, you old coot, you have no idea about what you are talking.'
                    'Who are you calling an old coot' yelled Rip, who had never considered him to be old.
        ' You. Have you looked in the mirror lately' replied the mayor.
           Rip said,'well not recently'. As he was talking someone handed him a mirror. Rip was shocked and kept staring his face. He looked at his faceand saw that he was old and wrinkled. He cried,' Oh my God. Winkle's face is Wrinkled. But how could this be possible. I was the most popular man in the town yesterday! Hasn't anyone heard of Rip Wan Winkle?'
               ' Now that you mention it I rembered a Rip Wan Winkle From when I was a boy. But my father told him that he dissapeared in the woods. That was twenty years ago.' said the mayor.
                      Rip gasped. He had been sleeping in the woods for twenty years. And suddenly asked,' My wife! Has she gone'. ' I'm afraid, so'
said the mayor. Rip was very happy at hearin this. Over the next few days he did everything he wanted to. He played with the children in the park. He took a nap wherever and whenever he wanted without the fear of being eaten alive by his wife. 
Slowy and steadiy he walked to his house and as he stood there he realized that something was missing. He knew it was not the utensils or jewellery but the warmth memories that he had spent with his wife. He collapsed in to a chair. He missed his wife. Tears streamed down his eyes and everyone knows that whenever Rip sit on a chair undoubtedly he would fall asleep. That time was no exception.
                    A cold breeze woke him up. He knew that his house would have holes and big spaces. But as sowly he opened his eyes he realized it was cold because he was in the middle of the woods. He was at that spot where he had slept for so long. When he noticed that his beard was gone he found that it had all been a dream. Rip had never been so happy in his life. He ran back home to tell his wife that he loved her and how he was a changed man. And of course, He forgot to bring the firewood.

" So, I hope you all would have enjoyed the funny story and keep writng coments on our stories & poems. And thanks everyone on the facebook who have liked us and our blog. Thanks a lot!
Unknown Web Developer

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