Tuesday 26 May 2015

The webpage this is to inform
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

                              A hotel

"LET me tell you, my good man," began Madame Nashatyrin, the colonel's lady at No. 47, crimson and spluttering, as she pounced on the hotel-keeper. "Either give me other apartments, or I shall leave your confounded hotel altogether! It's a sink of iniquity! Mercy on us, I have grown-up daughters and one hears nothing but abominations day and night! It's beyond everything! Day and night! Sometimes he fires off such things that it simply makes one's ears blush! Positively like a cabman. It's a good thing that my poor girls don't understand or I should have to fly out into the street with them. . . He's saying something now! You listen!"

"I know a thing better than that, my boy," a husky bass floated in from the next room. "Do you remember Lieutenant Druzhkov? Well, that same Druzhkov was one day making a drive with the yellow into the pocket and as he usually did, you know, flung up his leg. . . . All at once something went crrr-ack! At first they thought he had torn the cloth of the billiard table, but when they looked, my dear fellow, his United States had split at every seam! He had made such a high kick, the beast, that not a seam was left. . . . Ha-ha-ha, and there were ladies present, too . . . among others the wife of that drivelling Lieutenant Okurin. . . . Okurin was furious. . . . 'How dare the fellow,' said he, 'behave with impropriety in the presence of my wife?' One thing led to another . . . you know our fellows! . . . Okurin sent seconds to Druzhkov, and Druzhkov said 'don't be a fool' . . . ha-ha-ha, 'but tell him he had better send seconds not to me but to the tailor who made me those breeches; it is his fault, you know.' Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha. . . ."

Lilya and Mila, the colonel's daughters, who were sitting in the window with their round cheeks propped on their fists, flushed crimson and dropped their eyes that looked buried in their plump faces.

"Now you have heard him, haven't you?" Madame Nashatyrin went on, addressing the hotel-keeper. "And that, you consider, of no consequence, I suppose? I am the wife of a colonel, sir! My husband is a commanding officer. I will not permit some cabman to utter such infamies almost in my presence!"

"He is not a cabman, madam, but the staff-captain Kikin. . . . A gentleman born."

"If he has so far forgotten his station as to express himself like a cabman, then he is even more deserving of contempt! In short, don't answer me, but kindly take steps!"

"But what can I do, madam? You are not the only one to complain, everybody's complaining, but what am I to do with him? One goes to his room and begins putting him to shame, saying: 'Hannibal Ivanitch, have some fear of God! It's shameful! and he'll punch you in the face with his fists and say all sorts of things: 'there, put that in your pipe and smoke it,' and such like. It's a disgrace! He wakes up in the morning and sets to walking about the corridor in nothing, saving your presence, but his underclothes. And when he has had a drop he will pick up a revolver and set to putting bullets into the wall. By day he is swilling liquor and at night he plays cards like mad, and after cards it is fighting. . . . I am ashamed for the other lodgers to see it!"

"Why don't you get rid of the scoundrel?"

"Why, there's no getting him out! He owes me for three months, but we don't ask for our money, we simply ask him to get out as a favour. . . . The magistrate has given him an order to clear out of the rooms, but he's taking it from one court to another, and so it drags on. . . . He's a perfect nuisance, that's what he is. And, good Lord, such a man, too! Young, good-looking and intellectual. . . . When he hasn't had a drop you couldn't wish to see a nicer gentleman. The other day he wasn't drunk and he spent the whole day writing letters to his father and mother."

"Poor father and mother!" sighed the colonel's lady.

"They are to be pitied, to be sure! There's no comfort in having such a scamp! He's sworn at and turned out of his lodgings, and not a day passes but he is in trouble over some scandal. It's sad!"

"His poor unhappy wife!" sighed the lady.

"He has no wife, madam. A likely idea! She would have to thank God if her head were not broken. . . ."

The lady walked up and down the room.

"He is not married, you say?"

"Certainly not, madam."

The lady walked up and down the room again and mused a little.

"H'm, not married . . ." she pronounced meditatively. "H'm. Lilya and Mila, don't sit at the window, there's a draught! What a pity! A young man and to let himself sink to this! And all owing to what? The lack of good influence! There is no mother who would. . . . Not married? Well . . . there it is. . . . Please be so good," the lady continued suavely after a moment's thought, "as to go to him and ask him in my name to . . . refrain from using expressions. . . . Tell him that Madame Nashatyrin begs him. . . . Tell him she is staying with her daughters in No. 47 . . . that she has come up from her estate in the country. . . ."


"Tell him, a colonel's lady and her daughters. He might even come and apologize. . . . We are always at home after dinner. Oh, Mila, shut the window!"

"Why, what do you want with that . . . black sheep, mamma?" drawled Lilya when the hotel-keeper had retired. "A queer person to invite! A drunken, rowdy rascal!"

"Oh, don't say so, ma chère! You always talk like that; and there . . . sit down! Why, whatever he may be, we ought not to despise him. . . . There's something good in everyone. Who knows," sighed the colonel's lady, looking her daughters up and down anxiously, "perhaps your fate is here. Change your dresses anyway. . . .
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

                        100 के फरे और खेल खेल में डूबा

दूसरी कहानी बंदरगाह एक ऐसे लड़के की कहानी है जो पैसे के बदले लोगों को समुद्र किनारे डूबने का करतब दिखाता है। कहानी की शुरूआत में बंदरगाह पर एक सुप्रीम कोर्ट का अधिवक्ता चहल-कदमी करते हुए नजर आता है। तभी उसके पास एक लड़का आता है और कहता है कि वह मात्र 100 रुपए में अधिवक्ता को डूबने का करतब दिखाएगा। अधिवक्ता उसे हड़काते हुए वहां से चले जाने के लिए कहता है।
                                                बाद में लड़का अधिवक्ता से बार-बार खेल देखने का आग्रह करता है। तभी वहां एक पुलिस वाला आ जाता है। अधिवक्ता लड़के के बारे में पुलिस वाले को बताता है। पुलिस वाला 100 रुपए की बात सुनकर हैरान हो जाता है और अधिवक्ता को बताता है कि साहब पचास रुपए से ज्यादा कहीं रेट नहीं है। 100 रुपए बहुत ज्यादा है इसलिए आप उसे 50 रुपए ही देना। अधिवक्ता पुलिस वाले की बात सुनकर हैरान हो जाता है। पुलिस वाले के जाने के बाद लड़का फिर आ जाता और अधिवक्ता से फिर गुजारिश करता है। तब वकील कहता है कि वह सिर्फ पचास रुपए ही दे सकता है। लड़का मान जाता है डूबने से पहले लड़का अधिवक्ता को कहता है कि जब मैं सच में डूबने लगूं तो आप सामने बैठे उस आदमी को आवाज दे देना ताकि वह मुझे डूबने से बचा सके क्योंकि मुझे तैरना नहीं आता। अधिवक्ता हैरान होता है कि लड़का तैरना नहीं जानता तब भी डूबने का करतब करता है। कहानी के अंत में जब लड़का सच में डूबने लगता है तो अधिवक्ता बचाने वाले को आवाज देता है लेकिन अधिवक्ता उस आदमी का नाम ही भूल जाता है।
                                         जिसे आवाज देकर बुलाना था और लड़का सच में डूब जाता है। नाटक से बताया कि शिक्षित होने के बावजूद अधिवक्ता न केवल बेवकूफ बना, बल्कि एक बच्चे की मौत का गवाह भी। यदि तैरना नहीं जाने की बात सुनकर वह उसे रोक लेता तो शायद उसकी जिंदगी बच सकती थी।
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Rip Van Winkle

                           Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle was the most popular person in his town. He told joke to the men at tavern, he tripped his hat whenever a lady passed him, he was polite with all the person in the town and he liked to join children that played in the parks. Nobody in the town had a bad thing to say to Rip Van winkle. Actually nobody except his wife
                Every funny thing that he did, everything that townspeople loved him for, he did while he was supposed to be doing the chores. Rip Van winkle hate doing chores and was very good at getting out from them. Once he was asked to sweep the house by his wife but when she came back she found that he had tied there bedsheet with the broom and was flying it like a kite outside the yard. But mostly he was found taking a nap instead of doing his chores.
                    There was nothing Rip liked than taking a nap at the middle of the day. & for this he was thrown stones( of word ) by his wife. There was nothing that his wife like except yelling at him.
                            One fine afternoon Mrs Van Winkle asked him to go to the woods and chop some firewood. On reaching the forest he saw dark forest with long trees and grass along with big rocks mot importantly he did not see his wife an the moment he laid down and went to take a deep sleep. Rip Van Winkle awoke with a groan to the felling that something was scratching his chin. He peered down his nose and saw that he had grown a long beered overnight. He thought to himelf that he must have a hair-splosion. He decided that the first thing he would do is to get a haircut assuming that his wife won't kill him for staying out all the night. When he got to pick the axe he found that the axe had somehow become old & rusty. He  said,' they don't make axes they used to '.
                As he neared the town he began to feel that something was wrong. The builings were bigger and there were lot more than the previous day. As he reached the town square, He realized that he didn't recognize anything. People began to crowd around him and whispered to one another.
                Eventually a man forced his way to the crowd and walked upto Rip Van Winkle.' Sir, I don't want to be rude but you look a little lost '. He said. Rip said,' Well I do fell a little lost. By the way who are you ?'. He proudly said,' Why I am the mayor of the town'. Rip said,' You are lying ! I know the mayor of this town and you aren't him'. The man began to lose his temper and said angrily,' Look, you old coot, you have no idea about what you are talking.'
                    'Who are you calling an old coot' yelled Rip, who had never considered him to be old.
        ' You. Have you looked in the mirror lately' replied the mayor.
           Rip said,'well not recently'. As he was talking someone handed him a mirror. Rip was shocked and kept staring his face. He looked at his faceand saw that he was old and wrinkled. He cried,' Oh my God. Winkle's face is Wrinkled. But how could this be possible. I was the most popular man in the town yesterday! Hasn't anyone heard of Rip Wan Winkle?'
               ' Now that you mention it I rembered a Rip Wan Winkle From when I was a boy. But my father told him that he dissapeared in the woods. That was twenty years ago.' said the mayor.
                      Rip gasped. He had been sleeping in the woods for twenty years. And suddenly asked,' My wife! Has she gone'. ' I'm afraid, so'
said the mayor. Rip was very happy at hearin this. Over the next few days he did everything he wanted to. He played with the children in the park. He took a nap wherever and whenever he wanted without the fear of being eaten alive by his wife. 
Slowy and steadiy he walked to his house and as he stood there he realized that something was missing. He knew it was not the utensils or jewellery but the warmth memories that he had spent with his wife. He collapsed in to a chair. He missed his wife. Tears streamed down his eyes and everyone knows that whenever Rip sit on a chair undoubtedly he would fall asleep. That time was no exception.
                    A cold breeze woke him up. He knew that his house would have holes and big spaces. But as sowly he opened his eyes he realized it was cold because he was in the middle of the woods. He was at that spot where he had slept for so long. When he noticed that his beard was gone he found that it had all been a dream. Rip had never been so happy in his life. He ran back home to tell his wife that he loved her and how he was a changed man. And of course, He forgot to bring the firewood.

" So, I hope you all would have enjoyed the funny story and keep writng coments on our stories & poems. And thanks everyone on the facebook who have liked us and our blog. Thanks a lot!
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Saturday 21 March 2015

              The Three Tortoises

Long ago there lived three tortoises. One day they all decided to go on a picnic. Papa Tortoise took out the map and everyone of the family decided to go to dul lake in Kashmir, since it would be  great picnic spot. Baby tortoise was very happy at the time. Mama tortoise made some chapatis and some chutnies, along with puris idlis etc for there long and tiring journey. Baby tortoise packed some nuts in his pockets. And the day came when the tortoise were about to go for a picnic.
            Mama tortoise took the basket full of food and asked baby tortoise to take the chutney but he was busy packing his nuts so he forget to bring the chutney with him. When everything was done Papa tortoie locked the house and put the keys in his small pocket of his jacket. The tortoise journeyed 1 year and at last reached the picnic spot at the dul lake.
                        Father tortoise said that he was very hungry and mama tortoise took out the chapaties but she didn't found the chutney. She asked baby tortoise but he said he had forgotten to bring the chutney since he was busy packing the nuts. Mama tortoise scolded him for his carelesness. He began to cry. Father tortoise tried to console him and said " son you have did a mistake so you have to fufill it. Now you have to go home and bring the chutney ". Baby tortoie said" Ok no probem but While I am away no on will be eating chapati." Everyone agreed to it. 6 months passed but baby tortoise didn't came at last both the tortoise coud not beer the hunger and decided to eat a chapati. Suddeny a noise came from the bushes and baby tortoise came out saying" I knew you woud cheat therefore I didn't go to home for 6 months!!!"

"Thus here was the end of our story and please comment on our stories and poems and keep visting & following us"

& tommorow a new story 'Gordon's Good Deed' will be publishing between 5 to 6 PM
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Friday 20 March 2015

             Uncle Prasad & The Flying Machine-1

Ravi was sitting on his bed and having a pencil in his hand. He was drawing a flying machine. Ravi's design was almost ready and he was very happy. Suddenly he heard a knocking at the door and ran to see who was standing at the door.
       'Hello, Uncle Prasad!' he cried. He asked him to come in and see his drawing of his flying model. Uncle Prasad was fat , and had a long moustache and a shiny bald head. Ravi showed him his drawing. "Good drawing" he said with laughter. "But it won't fly."
                                                Ravi  asked him
why it won't fly. He said because it had got no engine. "it's a glider! Iam going to start work on the plane this week. You may come after 2 months to see the result". His uncle said" let's see what happens "
                                  For the next few days Ravi
worked very hard. He collected lots of bamboo wood and many strings along with elastics and a great deal of old newspaper. There was an empty garage at the back side of his house. He asked the permission to work on his flying model from his parents. His father allowed him to do so but said him not to make too much noise. The next day he made wings of the plane with bamboo. He put screws in all the joints and tied them up tightly with string. Then he covered the wings with sheet of paper and fixed some wood beneath the wings.
                                                       Ravi made a tailplane. He mde a rod so that pilot could move the tailplane to the right or left. Ravi painted the newspapers wings a bright blue. And after 2 months the plane was amost finished. On finishing the work of plane he showed the plane to his father.
              His father was quite delighted and asked him if the plane would fly. He assured him that Indeed the plane would be flying and uncle Prasad would be the first pilot to fly the plane tommorow at 10 O'clock.
                               On sunday uncle Prasad came for the breakfast. After breakfast Ravi showed the plane to Uncle Prasad. "It doesn't look very strong,'. "Oh it is it can carry you easily." Uncle Prasad thought what a noise there would be when I would sit on the plane and everything woud break.
                     Ravi along with some of his friends took the taiplane at top of a hill. There was a huge crowd. Ravi asked Uncle Prasad to jump inside the plane. He said " Jump in but where"
Ravi said let me tell you how the plane works. Put the Hands on the bar and place your foot on the loops that you are going to see. If you want to turn right put your right leg down and to move left put your left leg down. And before Uncle could say anything everyone pushed him and the plane started racing downwards

"What would have been happening after that? Will uncle Prasad be able to fly that Plane?" To know these simple answers keep visiting our site
"And I would request all of you to follow and comment on our every post"
& tommorow a new funny story the three tortoises will be publishing at 5 to 6 pm and believe me it is really funny and do visit our site
& don't forget we also publish poems at 10 to 11 am everyday

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Thursday 19 March 2015

कानून के हाथ

कानून के हाथ

"कानून के हाथ लंबे होते हैं "
--इस कहावत को
पुलिस वाले
 इस प्रकार व्यवहारते हैं ,
लोगों को कानुन बताकर
लंबा हाथ मारते हैं ।
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

पुलिस जनता मित्र

पुलिस जनता मित्र

पुस्तक विक्रेता से मैने कहा --
'पुलिस जनता मित्र'
--नामक दिजीए किताब
वह बोला --
'माफ किजीए
हाष्य व्यंग की पुस्तकें
हम तो बेचते ही नहीं जनाब ।'
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.


                     THE DEAD KILLER: RETURNS
Hi, I am professor Albert. I do think we all have met before isn't it ? I and Nicholas last time have Captured a thief called Jhon. After arresting him we all thought that with his trial the virus will also be over. But who knew he would escape from the Jail....

    It was morning time. I had to go Port Louis to attend a meeting. I went to the airport. The news that Jhon ran away from the jail leaked everywhere. However police Was trying it's best to find him and I too did not bother. Suddenly there was a man coming towards me. He looked as if he was very sick. Suddenly he felt down on the ground. A crowd gathered near him in which I too came up for his help. On examining him I was shocked that the person who had been fallen down is not someone else but 'JHON'
                        At once I ordered everyone to move back and clear the airport because he was injected R- virus. As soon as I ordered this, there was a massive tension between crowd and everyone started running like anything! And at the mean time Jhon the dead killer was awaken  and he was in a hurry to bite me when I took out my pen and with a large force I hit Him hard on his brain with the pen's pointed part. He died at that Instance. But Now what horrible seen I saw you won't be believing. I saw a huge aeroplane that was crashing and was about to hit the airport in 2 minutes. I placed a safed distance from them and thus was very lucky for not getting hurt. Soon the gate of the Aeroplane opened and from that aeroplane people began to fall to ground. On getting closer I noticed that all the people have turned into Zombies and not a single person was looking alive. I called the SRT { special reinforcement team }. And was about to rush out when I saw due to crashing the entering gate of the airport was locked and I was now sorrounded by zombies.

"But how the people in the aeroplane became affected and who injected the R-virus in them and Jhon? & also How i would get out of the airport without having any arms?" Please comment on our every blog so that we could create more such blogs like this
& also tommorrow a new series of story Uncle Prasad & The Flying Machine will be publishing between 5 to 6 pm
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

बुरा क्या मानना !

बुरा क्या मानना !

पुलिस एक डाकू को थाने
ले जाने से पहले
एक मंत्री के पास लाइ
मंत्री जी ने डाकू को बुरी तरह से
डांट पिलाइ
बोले ,"तुझे शर्म नहीं आती है
अपने ही क्षेत्र में मे लुट मार करता है
भोली भाली अबलाओं से
बलात्कार करता है
तुझे मेरा कुछ तो ख्याल
रखना चाहिए
 चुल्लु भर पानी में डूब मरना
मेरीं बातें तुझे बुरी लग रही होंगी
यह मै अच्छी तरह जानता हूं ।   "
इतना सुनते हीं डाकु बोला --
"सरकार , मै "बाप" की बातों का बुरा नहीं मानता हूँ"
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Ravi Goes Camping -2

                            Ravi Goes Camping -2
After uncle Santosh examined the paper he told the boys that there was a spanish poem written on the paper :
' What does this mean ' asked Ravi ?
He said" well, I don't know. I have to go for teak inspection better, you both may go once again around the fort and search for something. The boys went around the fort but could locate nothing. They sat down on the grass near the ditch."Look at those swallows. They've build a nest there in the wall.' Suddenly Rajendra shouted" look near the nest there's an owl  cut into the rock"
    The boys climbed the ditch and began to search the ground and after a few hour of hard work the boys gave out a shriek of delight. There was a small stone fence nd inside was dark whole. Ravi said " you wait here & let me bring the torch" and he raced to the tent. After peering inside they saw a box
    He pulled both hands in between the stones and took out a wooden box, crossed with metal bands and black with age. They took the box to uncle Santosh and cried that they had found a box at last. Uncle Santosh said " Let us have a look ". After opening the box with his penknife he found neither coins nor gold but some papers inside it. After Inspecting he said" well there are some papers and let us take them to the museum tommorow". The next day they packed everything into the jeep and went back to Jaipur. Uncle Santosh Went back in the museum to show his friend the papers he found At the fort. On returning he told the boys," Those papers were very valuable. The museum people have bought it for 10,000 Rs" and handed the boys 5000-5000 Rs each. On returning home, Ravi met his Father and excitedly told him about his adventures.
But still Rajendra and Ravi never forgot the Owl who helped them to find the old box

"So here was the end of this story's series & we all hope that you all may have enjoyed reading the story. & please follow us on G+, twitter and our various connected networks to get notifications about new release and keep reading our posts and blogs.

& tomorrow there would be a surprise story for all our reader's at 5 to 6 . So don't forget to visit our site { stay tooned:-}
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Tuesday 17 March 2015



रंग बिरंगे चित्र बनाएँ
मैनें अपने कॉपी में,
लेकिन तितली के पंखो में
सुंदर चित्र बनाता कौन ?
              नीली स्याही से मैनें
              दवात भरी यह नन्हीं सी
              लेकिन सागर में पानी
              नीला-नीला भर जाता कौन
मम्मी ने पहनाए मुझको
साफ धुले, उजले कपङे ।
लेकिन लेकिन आसमान को
बादल के कपङे पहनाता कौन
                 पापा आते हैं मोटर से
                  अंकल पैदल आ जाते
                   लेकिन सुबह गाङी से
                   सुरज को पहुँचाता कौन
सुन (अलार्म) मम्मी उठती है
दादी रोज़ जगाने पर ।
लेकिन नन्हीं गौरेया को
आकर सुबह जगाता कौन
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

पुल की इमानदारी

पुल की इमानदारी

लोहे और सीमेंट का एक बरा हिस्सा
मंत्री , ठेकेदार और इंजीनीयर
तीनो ने मिल- बांट कर खाया
और उदघाटन के दिन
सारा इंजाम  पुल पर लगाया

बेचारा पुल ,
जानता था इनके सारे गुल ।
पर सफाइ में क्या कहे? कैसे कहे ?
इतना बरा इंजाम भी कैसे सहे ?

दो दिन बाद हीं पुल ने
नदी मे कुद कर आत्महत्या कर ली ।
ईमानदारी का सबुत देने
पानीदार पुल पानी मे बह गया
'मैने लोहा और सिमेंट नहीं खाया '
यह बात मरते-मरते कह गया ।
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

The War of Planets - 3

                                The War of Planets -3
As soon as I saw those creatures landing on our roof I was stubborner. I asked them who were they and why they had come to our planet. One of them said
                                  " Jar Theie Gary "
I took out the language converter and placed it's board in John's hand and the mike in mine. On converting we found that they were saying that they had arrived Earth to our rescue. I asked him "what kind of rescue". Suddenly One of them took out a remote kind of structure. He pointed the remote at me & pressed a button. As soon as he did this I got a very hard electric shock traveling through my whole body. Fortunately he stopped the shock after a few seconds. I said " what the hell on earth you were trying to do". He said 'sorry, but my intention was not to hurt you.' Then John asked him ' then why you gave him an electric shock '. He said " listen, first of all my name is Toya. I have come from the alpha century galaxy. I and my seven member ed team has sent the signals on Earth since you are going to have a fieceful battle. John said " battle, but with whom?"
                                  He said " with our planet Cerion. Our planet is situated in alpha centuary. The prime of our planet 'Cairo' has the will to defeat  all the planets in it's galaxies and nearby galaxies. He have already defeated 10 planets in our galaxies and He along with his huge force is looking to conquer planets other than his galaxies. And it has targeted Earth as its first outer planet to conquer. We don't want the Prime to capture any more planets. Thus we........". I interrputed and asked him why had he came to our rescue, I mean it is his own planet than why is he willing it's own defeat?
              He said" I used to be a programming manager in Prime's army. I used to make highy developed weapons to help prime in defeating other planets. But soon I came to know how wrong I was in joining his army & taking him as my inspiration. Between battle of Krpyton and Cerion, My brother whom I loved the most and who was commander in Cerion's army was killed in the battle. Inspite of his bravery and patriotism he was given no honour, Instead when my elders asked for compensation and crane the Prime threw them out of his kingdom. From that time I decided revnge from the Prim....."
                     Jhon interrupted him and asked what did he meant by crane? He said they called there currency "crane". Jhon gain asked why did the Prime threw his gaurdians out. At the very moment he took out his remote again and pointed it towards Jhon. Before Jhon could understand anything he pressed the switch and this time it was Jhon who had got the shock. Jhon asked him " are you mad ". At that very moment they all were cleavered with happiness and handed me and Jhon a Highly deveoped steel band with many buttons and to Jhon a blue-red coloured head set with many retinas and buttons placed in it unlike mine band one. After handing this to me and Jhon they went into there Ufo's and sped away to there planet

"But what these bands and headsets were?, and why they had been given to us only." Don't panic wait for some or the other bottom of the stories that would be displayed soon for these answers & Please comment and follow us so that we are able to provide more intresting stories like this
Ravi goes camping part 2 will be displayed tommorrow between 5 to 6 pm { stay tooned :-}

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

अंधकार और नेता

अंधकार और नेता

अंघकार का तन काला होता है
नेताओं का मन काला होता है 
जहाँ अंधकार होता है
वहां खरा नेता
 दिखाइ नहीं देता है
जहां नेता खरा हो
वहां अंधकार हीं अंधकार
दिखाइ  देता है
अपने शिकंजे मे कसता है
नेता सांप की तरह डसता है
अंधकार होता है
तो चोरी होती है
नेता होता है तो
सीनाजोरी होती है
अंधकार और नेता दोनो हीं खतरनाक हैं
अंधेरे में पता नही
कहां ठोकर लग जाए और नेता का क्या पता कब कौन सा जाल बिछाए
अंधकार  से बचना है तो नेता को दूर हटाओ
ज्ञान की अगवानी मे खिरकियाँ खोलो
प्रजा तंत्र की जय बोलो

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Monday 16 March 2015

Ravi Goes Camping - 1

  Ravi Goes Camping - 1
Ravi's uncle lived in Jaipur, in Rajasthan, and was an army officer. One day his uncle wrote to him that :
    I am going out to the forest soon, and I'm taking your cousin Rajendra with me. We are going to put up a tent near an old fort and stay there for a couple of days. Would you like to come too?
Ravi was allowed to join with his uncle and cousin to the tour. The next day Ravi along with his uncle and cousin went to the forest in an open jeep. It was very hot and tiring journey. Ater crossing little hills they arrived there dstination. Uncle Santosh aked rajendra and ravi to unpack the jeep. Than you can go and explore.   
            After hving  cup of tea, thye boys went off the trees nd after passing the canal they reached the Fort which seemed without hving any living organisms in it except snake and lizards. Infact after entering the fort, two snakes crawled out from one crck and slid away. They had fun exporing the fort. Since it was getting eveni9ng so they decided to wnt back to there camp and after having there diner or supper they went fast asleep. But ravi woke up in the middle of the night. "I shall have a walk in the fort, but I shall look out for the snakes." Ravi took out his torch and fter crossing the bridge he saw a tiny door at other end of the fort. He crambleddown through the rocky side of the bridge. It was difficult because of thorn and brambles but ultimately he did. Since he was entering through other side of fort he had to travel through the stairs. He was bit frightened. Soon he saw a large hole in the wall. As he reached there he saw a paper in which some strange letters were written whom Ravi could not read. At the moment Ravi saw 5-6 snakes crawling towards him. He grabbed the paper and ran as fast as he could. The snakes crawled before him till he was out of the fort. And outside the fort he got bumped with uncle Santosh
        He asked him where he had been. Ravi told him about the door the paper and the snake. His uncle said that he was brave boy but warned him not to go out at night as it would be dangerous. He also said that they would be looking about his paper tommorow

"But what was written on the paper nd for whom it was. To know the answer Keep visiting our site and focus on every story as the next series of many stories willbe hiudden At the last of the stories"

And the " THE WAR OF PLANETS- 3" will be releasing tommorow Between 5 to 6 pm       

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Sunday 15 March 2015

The murder in Bombay

                    The murder in Bombay                                    

It was dark winter night.
I was returning home late after completeing some important work in the office. As I was walking past a row of tall building, I suddenly heard a woman's voice
                     "help" the woman screamed

I stopped and looked up the building . Everyone seemed to be asleep. Then I again heard the voice "help-help". The voice was shaking with fear. Without wasting any of my time I rushed into the building from where the voice was coming . The voice was coming from the top flat saying "Take away all my money, jewelleries but please don't kill me. Please leave me".I hammered on the door of the room from where the voice was coming. From there came the voice" Who is it "
                    "Open the door, I shouted ,else I will break open the door." He asked what I wanted from him and ordered me to go away.
        I kept on hammering the door forcibly with my hands
Suddenly the door of the flat opened. From there a tall man, dressed in night clothes came out from the room
        " Who are you?" he asked. 'Why are you making so much noise'.
        " Where is the woman ". I shouted."Have you murdered her?"
        "Which woman. Are you mad?"
I pushed him aside and rushed into the flat.I could still hear the woman's cries. The voice was coming from the bedroom. I rushed to the bedroom. The man shouted and tried to stop me. But I forcibly entered the room where I was very much ashamed and exhausted on seeing that there was no woman inside the room but a voice was saying over a radio " You were listening to a radio play called' murder in Bombay' And now after the end of the play we bring you the news all over around......

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

A Journey Through Desert

                        A Journey Through Desert
Can listning or reading stories influence our lives ? Here is an exerpt to verify this

Till a few years back I did not had a driver and used to drive wherever I go. Every saturday I took my car to the service station and stayed there until it

was serviced.

there were two boys, perhaps 15 years of age, who worked there. they were identical twins. One was Ram and the other was called Gopal. Since they were poor they could not offord going school
                            There mother tongue was kanada. Ram and Gopal worked as errand boys. They were very cheerful and everyone liked them. The servicing of my car used to take two hours. Over time I became friendly with them. They told me about their life. They did not had father. There mother worked as labourer. they stayed in a nearby slum with there uncle. Though the salary at the service station was low they got free breakfast ad lunch and sometime small tips from car owners.
Inspite of difficulties they faced these kids were always smiling.
                            I really used to like these boys because of there enthusiasm. Once in a while I took snacks ad some old T-shirts for them. They took the clothes with great joy as if they were made of silk.
                        Once I gave them some books to read and for the first time I saw the the unhappines in there faces. They said,'madam,it takes us a lot of time to read since we are not used to reading. Will you tell us the story?'  'how can I tell you story here when you are workig all the time?".We get some free time at about 4o clock. There two eyes were begging for me and I could not say them no. Thus everyevening at 4 pm I used to tell them stories. They litsend stories very attentively and waited more for the climax. After a month I decided to hire a driver and I did not met Ram and gopal from then. Time flows like water. my car was outlived but was still working. When my driver came back from the garage he said "the owner of the garage was asking about you after working on the car. Do you know the owner of luck garage?"
        "I have not heard the name it maybe new. Next time let me handel my car to get serviced in that garage.
                The next day i went to the good luck garage. There I met the owner who asked me to wait in the cabin since he would be joining me i a minute.
        After he came he said " madam you have changed a lot. You look old and tired. I said " but if you don't mid would you please tell me your ame since you said I am growing old." He smiled at me. The dimple in his cheeks let me remembered that he is Ram. I asked if he was Ram. He said "madam you gussed the right one. I have been grateful to you since one of the stories told by you had changed my life. "which story I had told you that has changed your lifestyle? He sat opposite me closed his eyes and started telling his own story.
    "Madam you are aware that I used to stay with my uncle. Whatever we ear he used to take away. I felt that that I should cotinue to go to school but with o finacial help or support  from studying seemed impossible. But your story , please listent"
'once there were many poor people in the village they wanted tocross the desert and wanted to lead a nice life in the town. but no one dare to cross that scorching desert. But two boys wanted. one of the old man of the village has said carry stones from the desert and sell them in the market place in the town some or the other buyer must buy and pay for the rare stones. They started there way. They thought that they had reached the edge of desert so they ate up all there food and drank all water but soon they realized they had only crossed half way. The first boy said "it is of no use who is going to buy those stones. let's go back." And he went back but the second boy didn't minded he kept on collecting the stones and walking. He was deadly tired and much to his dissapointment on reaching the town he saw nothing but a dhramshala. Since it was late night he slept  down there. And much to his amazement whaen he woke up he saw all the stones had turne into "silvers". in a moment he ha become rich. "
    He said that I have told him the meaning of story like this   
    "A student's life is also like a desert don't care about hunger and thrust just reach your and you can relaxation all your life"
        Then I asked him 'what about Gopal '
    He said " he was inspired by your another story . 'there was a jackal who decided to hunt a camel. for whole day he searched for the camel and did not payed attention on the smaller animals. hence at night he could neither hunt a camel nor a small animal'. Gopal was also like this. He tried to o things beyond his capacity and failed miserably. Now he is a peon in a post office.
        " I thought what an impact story can have on anyone's life. And those who follow right one's like Ram get success and those who trust on stories like that of Gopal had to suffer a lot    

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Thursday 12 March 2015

The war of planets part 2

                                                                             The War Of Planets -2
After hearing the message we went to our transmission room to retransmit the signal to the lace from where they have been sent. We retransmitted the sigals saying
       "why our planet needs rescue"
In a hour we got our answer like this "to Fore te ". I converted the language and got the following results. "they are coming to attack you " . Before we could sed our ext question the light went off. We decided to stay that night at the lab
                                         It was about 10'o clock .the rai was pouring heavily.at a sudden there was a loud noise from the audio room. We all went straight to the audio room. It was coming straight from the loudspeakers. My friend and an intelligent scientist Jhon tried to stop the noise,but all in vain. suddenly the lights began to turn on and off spotaneously. We all were a bit scared. In the mea time I and jhon wet to the transmission room to see what the mtter was all about. When we reached their we found all computers were on we both were a bit puzzled. We both went to the main computer where we found an unknown source of light coming towards our lab. Jhon asked me "what kind of light is this?". I said " I too don't know" . then I ad Jhon went to everyone to give the details of the situation. Suddenly we all heard a loud thundering noise . I said " everyone on the roof immediately".
                                         There we saw an unidentfied flying object that landed on our lab's helipad. Ad from it 7 to 8 green coloured organism having black eyes and very short in height came out from it.

" But who these creatres were , Why they have come to us , and what would be happening next ?"
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.